Students and faculty are expected to adhere to the highest standards of honorable conduct in academic matters. To create a viable learning community, it is essential that faculty articulate clear policies in course syllabi and that students familiarize themselves with those policies and submit only work that is their own. Any attempt to circumvent learning or assessment activities will be considered a breach in academic integrity.

Examples of such breaches include the following:

  1. Cheating (the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids)
  2. Fabrication/falsification (intentional falsification or invention of information, including false sign-in)
  3. Plagiarism (the use of another’s ideas, 单词, data, 或产品, including tables and figures, without proper acknowledgment)
  4. Identical work (submitting work for multiple purposes without permission or submitting work that closely parallels another student’s submission when collaboration is not allowed)
  5. Assisting in dishonesty (helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty, tampering with evaluation materials, distributing unauthorized questions or answers related to an examination/test)
  6. Use of unauthorized electronic resources, including artificial intelligence, to complete assignments, 小测验, or examinations
  7. Violating a signed oath for an academic program or class

Possible actions that may be taken by a faculty member who suspects a student of academic dishonesty (after conversation with the student to determine the student’s awareness of the problem) are listed below.

In order to protect both students and faculty involved, the appropriate Division Dean and the VPAA must be notified in writing of any action taken that may significantly impact the student’s grade:

  1. Oral reprimand (by faculty member)
  2. Requirement to resubmit work or retake an examination/test (by faculty member)
  3. Reduction of grade or failing grade on assignment/exam (by faculty member, with notification Division Dean and VPAA when this seriously impacts the overall course grade)
  4. Reduction of grade for the course (by faculty member, with notification to Division Dean and VPAA)
  5. Failing grade for the course (by faculty member, with notification to Division Dean and VPAA)

If a satisfactory resolution is not reached after these actions have been taken, either faculty or student may refer the matter to the Academic Policies Committee for resolution, which will address the issue using the regularly established procedures for academic appeals.

At the discretion of the VPAA, repeat offenses may result in suspension or administrative dismissal from the university.

All of the above procedures must be carried out in accordance with the Warner Pacific University Education Records Policy in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (Public Law 93-380).